Source code for jaxon.reflected

from functools import partial

import numpy as np
from numpy import pi as pi64
from jax import jit, numpy as jnp

from .utils import trapz3d, floatX

__all__ = [

pi = np.cast[floatX](pi64)
h = np.cast[floatX](6.62607015e-34)  # J s
c = np.cast[floatX](299792458.0)  # m/s
k_B = np.cast[floatX](1.380649e-23)  # J/K
hc2 = np.cast[floatX](6.62607015e-34 * 299792458.0 ** 2)

zero = np.cast[floatX](0)
one = np.cast[floatX](1)
two = np.cast[floatX](2)
half = np.cast[floatX](0.5)

def linspace(start, stop, n):
    dx = (stop - start) / (n - 1)
    return jnp.arange(start, stop + dx, dx, dtype=floatX)

def mu(theta):
    Angle :math:`\mu = \cos(\theta)`

    theta : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Angle :math:`\theta`
    return jnp.cos(theta)

def tilda_mu(theta, alpha):
    The normalized quantity
    :math:`\tilde{\mu} = \alpha \mu(\theta)`

    theta : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Angle :math:`\theta`
    alpha : float
        Dimensionless fluid number :math:`\alpha`
    return alpha * mu(theta)

@partial(jit, static_argnums=(0,))
def H(l, theta, alpha):
    Hermite Polynomials in :math:`\tilde{\mu}(\theta)`.

    l : int
        Implemented through :math:`\ell \leq 7`.
    theta : float
        Angle :math:`\theta`
    alpha : float
        Dimensionless fluid number :math:`\alpha`

    result : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Hermite Polynomial evaluated at angles :math:`\theta`.
    if l == 0:
        return jnp.ones_like(theta)
    elif l == 1:
        return two * tilda_mu(theta, alpha)
    elif l == 2:
        return (two + two) * tilda_mu(theta, alpha) ** 2 - two
        raise NotImplementedError()

def h_ml(omega_drag, alpha, theta, phi, C_11, m=1, l=1):
    The :math:`h_{m\ell}` basis function.

    omega_drag : float
        Dimensionless drag
    alpha : float
        Dimensionless fluid number
    m : int
        Spherical harmonic ``m`` index
    l : int
        Spherical harmonic ``l`` index
    theta : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Latitudinal coordinate
    phi : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Longitudinal coordinate
    C_11 : float
        Spherical harmonic coefficient

    hml : `~numpy.ndarray`
        :math:`h_{m\ell}` basis function.
    prefactor = (C_11 /
                 (jnp.power(omega_drag, two) *
                  jnp.power(alpha, two * two) +
                  jnp.power(m, two)) *
                 jnp.exp(-jnp.power(tilda_mu(theta, alpha), two) * half))

    result = prefactor * (
        mu(theta) * m * H(l, theta, alpha) * jnp.cos(m * phi) +
        alpha * omega_drag * (tilda_mu(theta, alpha) *
                              H(l, theta, alpha) -
                              H(l + one, theta, alpha)) *
        jnp.sin(m * phi)
    return result

def h_ml_sum_theano(hotspot_offset, omega_drag, alpha,
                    theta2d, phi2d, C_11):
    Cythonized implementation of the quadruple loop over: theta's, phi's,
    l's and m's to compute the h_ml_sum term
    phase_offset = half * pi

    hml_sum = h_ml(omega_drag, alpha,
                   phi2d +
                   phase_offset +

    return hml_sum

def blackbody_lambda(lam, temperature):
    Compute the blackbody flux as a function of wavelength `lam` in mks units
    return (two * hc2 * jnp.power(lam, -5.0) /
            jnp.expm1(jnp.divide(h * c, (lam * k_B * temperature))))

def blackbody2d(wavelengths, temperature):
    Planck function evaluated for a vector of wavelengths in units of meters
    and temperature in units of Kelvin

    wavelengths : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Wavelength array in units of meters
    temperature : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Temperature in units of Kelvin

    pl : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Planck function evaluated at each wavelength

    return blackbody_lambda(wavelengths, temperature)

def integrate_planck(filt_wavelength, filt_trans,
    Integrate the Planck function over wavelength for the temperature map of the
    planet `temperature` and the temperature of the host star `T_s`. If
    `return_interp`, returns the interpolation function for the integral over
    the ratio of the blackbodies over wavelength; else returns only the map
    (which can be used for trapezoidal approximation integration)

    bb_num = blackbody2d(filt_wavelength, temperature)
    int_bb_num = trapz3d(bb_num * filt_trans, filt_wavelength)

    return int_bb_num

[docs]@partial(jit, static_argnums=(4,)) def reflected_phase_curve( phases, omega, g, a_rp, scattering_phase_func='Henyey-Greenstein' ): """ Reflected light phase curve for a homogeneous sphere by Heng, Morris & Kitzmann (2021). Parameters ---------- phases : `~np.ndarray` Orbital phases of each observation defined on (0, 1) omega : tensor-like Single-scattering albedo as defined in g : tensor-like Scattering asymmetry factor, ranges from (-1, 1). a_rp : float, tensor-like Semimajor axis scaled by the planetary radius Returns ------- flux_ratio_ppm : tensor-like Flux ratio between the reflected planetary flux and the stellar flux in units of ppm. A_g : tensor-like Geometric albedo derived for the planet given {omega, g}. q : tensor-like Integral phase function """ # Convert orbital phase on (0, 1) to "alpha" on (0, np.pi) alpha = jnp.where( phases != 0.5, jnp.asarray(2 * np.pi * phases - np.pi), 1e-10 ) abs_alpha = jnp.abs(alpha) gamma = jnp.sqrt(1 - omega) eps = (1 - gamma) / (1 + gamma) if scattering_phase_func.lower() == 'henyey-greenstein': # Equation 34 for Henyey-Greenstein P_star = (1 - g ** 2) / (1 + g ** 2 + 2 * g * jnp.cos(alpha)) ** 1.5 elif scattering_phase_func.lower() == 'isotropic': P_star = 1 elif scattering_phase_func.lower() == 'rayleigh': P_star = 3/4 * (1 + jnp.cos(alpha) ** 2) else: raise ValueError("Scattering phase function {} not recognized" .format(scattering_phase_func)) # Equation 36 P_0 = (1 - g) / (1 + g) ** 2 # Equation 10: Rho_S = P_star - 1 + 0.25 * ((1 + eps) * (2 - eps)) ** 2 Rho_S_0 = P_0 - 1 + 0.25 * ((1 + eps) * (2 - eps)) ** 2 Rho_L = 0.5 * eps * (2 - eps) * (1 + eps) ** 2 Rho_C = eps ** 2 * (1 + eps) ** 2 alpha_plus = jnp.sin(abs_alpha / 2) + jnp.cos(abs_alpha / 2) alpha_minus = jnp.sin(abs_alpha / 2) - jnp.cos(abs_alpha / 2) # Equation 11: Psi_0 = jnp.where( (alpha_plus != 1.0) & (alpha_minus != -1.0), jnp.log((1 + alpha_minus) * (alpha_plus - 1) / (1 + alpha_plus) / (1 - alpha_minus)), 0 ) Psi_S = 1 - 0.5 * (jnp.cos(abs_alpha / 2) - 1.0 / jnp.cos(abs_alpha / 2)) * Psi_0 Psi_L = (jnp.sin(abs_alpha) + (np.pi - abs_alpha) * jnp.cos(abs_alpha)) / np.pi Psi_C = (-1 + 5 / 3 * jnp.cos(abs_alpha / 2) ** 2 - 0.5 * jnp.tan(abs_alpha / 2) * jnp.sin(abs_alpha / 2) ** 3 * Psi_0) # Equation 8: A_g = omega / 8 * (P_0 - 1) + eps / 2 + eps ** 2 / 6 + eps ** 3 / 24 # Equation 9: Psi = ((12 * Rho_S * Psi_S + 16 * Rho_L * Psi_L + 9 * Rho_C * Psi_C) / (12 * Rho_S_0 + 16 * Rho_L + 6 * Rho_C)) flux_ratio_ppm = 1e6 * (a_rp ** -2 * A_g * Psi) # q = _integral_phase_function( # Psi, sin_abs_sort_alpha, sort_alpha, alpha_sort_order # ) return flux_ratio_ppm, A_g # , q
def rho(omega, P_0, P_star): """ Equation 10 """ gamma = jnp.sqrt(1 - omega) eps = (1 - gamma) / (1 + gamma) Rho_S = P_star - 1 + 0.25 * ((1 + eps) * (2 - eps)) ** 2 Rho_S_0 = P_0 - 1 + 0.25 * ((1 + eps) * (2 - eps)) ** 2 Rho_L = 0.5 * eps * (2 - eps) * (1 + eps) ** 2 Rho_C = eps ** 2 * (1 + eps) ** 2 return Rho_S, Rho_S_0, Rho_L, Rho_C def I(alpha, Phi): """ Equation 39 """ cos_alpha = jnp.cos(alpha) cos_alpha_2 = jnp.cos(alpha / 2) z = jnp.sin(alpha / 2 - Phi / 2) / jnp.cos(Phi / 2) # The following expression has the same behavior # as I_0 = jnp.arctanh(z), but it doesn't blow up at alpha=0 I_0 = jnp.where(jnp.abs(z) < 1, 0.5 * (jnp.log1p(z) - jnp.log1p(-z)), 0) # I_0 = jnp.arctanh(z) I_S = (-1 / (2 * cos_alpha_2) * (jnp.sin(alpha / 2 - Phi) + (cos_alpha - 1) * I_0)) I_L = 1 / np.pi * (Phi * cos_alpha - 0.5 * jnp.sin(alpha - 2 * Phi)) I_C = -1 / (24 * cos_alpha_2) * ( -3 * jnp.sin(alpha / 2 - Phi) + jnp.sin(3 * alpha / 2 - 3 * Phi) + 6 * jnp.sin(3 * alpha / 2 - Phi) - 6 * jnp.sin(alpha / 2 + Phi) + 24 * jnp.sin(alpha / 2) ** 4 * I_0 ) return I_S, I_L, I_C @jit def trapz1d(y_1d, x): """ Trapezoid rule in one dimension. This only works if x is increasing. """ s = 0.5 * ((x[1:] - x[:-1]) * (y_1d[1:] + y_1d[:-1])) return jnp.sum(s, axis=-1) @jit def _integral_phase_function(Psi, sin_abs_sort_alpha, sort_alpha, sort): """ Integral phase function q for a generic, possibly asymmetric reflectivity map """ return trapz1d(Psi[sort] * sin_abs_sort_alpha, sort_alpha) def _g_from_ag(A_g, omega_0, omega_prime, x1, x2): """ Compute the scattering asymmetry factor g for a given geometric albedo, and possibly asymmetric single scattering albedos. Parameters ---------- A_g : tensor-like Geometric albedo on (0, 1) omega_0 : tensor-like Single-scattering albedo of the less reflective region. Defined on (0, 1). omega_prime : tensor-like Additional single-scattering albedo of the more reflective region, such that the single-scattering albedo of the reflective region is ``omega_0 + omega_prime``. Defined on (0, ``1-omega_0``). x1 : tensor-like Start longitude of the darker region [radians] on (-pi/2, pi/2) x2 : tensor-like Stop longitude of the darker region [radians] on (-pi/2, pi/2) Returns ------- g : tensor-like Scattering asymmetry factor """ gamma = jnp.sqrt(1 - omega_0) eps = (1 - gamma) / (1 + gamma) gamma_prime = jnp.sqrt(1 - omega_prime) eps_prime = (1 - gamma_prime) / (1 + gamma_prime) Rho_L = eps / 2 * (1 + eps) ** 2 * (2 - eps) Rho_L_prime = eps_prime / 2 * (1 + eps_prime) ** 2 * (2 - eps_prime) Rho_C = eps ** 2 * (1 + eps) ** 2 Rho_C_prime = eps_prime ** 2 * (1 + eps_prime) ** 2 C = -1 + 0.25 * (1 + eps) ** 2 * (2 - eps) ** 2 C_prime = -1 + 0.25 * (1 + eps_prime) ** 2 * (2 - eps_prime) ** 2 C_2 = 2 + jnp.sin(x1) - jnp.sin(x2) C_1 = (omega_0 * Rho_L * np.pi / 12 + omega_prime * Rho_L_prime / 12 * (x1 - x2 + np.pi + 0.5 * (jnp.sin(2 * x1) - jnp.sin( 2 * x2))) + np.pi * omega_0 * Rho_C / 32 + 3 * np.pi * omega_prime * Rho_C_prime / 64 * (2 / 3 + 3 / 8 * (jnp.sin(x1) - jnp.sin(x2)) + 1 / 24 * (jnp.sin(3 * x1) - jnp.sin(3 * x2)))) C_3 = (16 * np.pi * A_g - 32 * C_1 - 2 * np.pi * omega_0 * C - np.pi * omega_prime * C_2 * C_prime ) / (2 * np.pi * omega_0 + np.pi * omega_prime * C_2) return - ((2 * C_3 + 1) - jnp.sqrt(1 + 8 * C_3)) / (2 * C_3)
[docs]def reflected_phase_curve_inhomogeneous(phases, omega_0, omega_prime, x1, x2, A_g, a_rp): """ Reflected light phase curve for an inhomogeneous sphere by Heng, Morris & Kitzmann (2021), with inspiration from Hu et al. (2015). Parameters ---------- phases : `~np.ndarray` Orbital phases of each observation defined on (0, 1) omega_0 : tensor-like Single-scattering albedo of the less reflective region. Defined on (0, 1). omega_prime : tensor-like Additional single-scattering albedo of the more reflective region, such that the single-scattering albedo of the reflective region is ``omega_0 + omega_prime``. Defined on (0, ``1-omega_0``). x1 : tensor-like Start longitude of the darker region [radians] on (-pi/2, pi/2) x2 : tensor-like Stop longitude of the darker region [radians] on (-pi/2, pi/2) a_rp : float, tensor-like Semimajor axis scaled by the planetary radius Returns ------- flux_ratio_ppm : tensor-like Flux ratio between the reflected planetary flux and the stellar flux in units of ppm. g : tensor-like Scattering asymmetry factor on (-1, 1) q : tensor-like Integral phase function """ g = _g_from_ag(A_g, omega_0, omega_prime, x1, x2) # Redefine alpha to be on (-pi, pi) alpha = (2 * np.pi * phases - np.pi).astype(floatX) abs_alpha = jnp.abs(alpha).astype(floatX) alpha_sort_order = jnp.argsort(alpha) sin_abs_sort_alpha = jnp.sin(abs_alpha[alpha_sort_order]).astype(floatX) sort_alpha = alpha[alpha_sort_order].astype(floatX) # Equation 34 for Henyey-Greestein P_star = (1 - g ** 2) / (1 + g ** 2 + 2 * g * jnp.cos(abs_alpha)) ** 1.5 # Equation 36 P_0 = (1 - g) / (1 + g) ** 2 Rho_S, Rho_S_0, Rho_L, Rho_C = rho(omega_0, P_0, P_star) Rho_S_prime, Rho_S_0_prime, Rho_L_prime, Rho_C_prime = rho( omega_prime, P_0, P_star ) alpha_plus = jnp.sin(abs_alpha / 2) + jnp.cos(abs_alpha / 2) alpha_minus = jnp.sin(abs_alpha / 2) - jnp.cos(abs_alpha / 2) # Equation 11: Psi_0 = jnp.where( (alpha_plus > -1) & (alpha_minus < 1), jnp.log((1 + alpha_minus) * (alpha_plus - 1) / (1 + alpha_plus) / (1 - alpha_minus)), 0 ) Psi_S = 1 - 0.5 * (jnp.cos(abs_alpha / 2) - 1.0 / jnp.cos(abs_alpha / 2)) * Psi_0 Psi_L = (jnp.sin(abs_alpha) + (np.pi - abs_alpha) * jnp.cos(abs_alpha)) / np.pi Psi_C = (-1 + 5 / 3 * jnp.cos(abs_alpha / 2) ** 2 - 0.5 * jnp.tan(abs_alpha / 2) * jnp.sin(abs_alpha / 2) ** 3 * Psi_0) # Table 1: condition_a = (-np.pi / 2 <= alpha - np.pi / 2) condition_0 = ((alpha - np.pi / 2 <= np.pi / 2) & (np.pi / 2 <= alpha + x1) & (alpha + x1 <= alpha + x2)) condition_1 = ((alpha - np.pi / 2 <= alpha + x1) & (alpha + x1 <= np.pi / 2) & (np.pi / 2 <= alpha + x2)) condition_2 = ((alpha - np.pi / 2 <= alpha + x1) & (alpha + x1 <= alpha + x2) & (alpha + x2 <= np.pi / 2)) condition_b = (alpha + np.pi / 2 <= np.pi / 2) condition_3 = ((alpha + x1 <= alpha + x2) & (alpha + x2 <= -np.pi / 2) & (-np.pi / 2 <= alpha + np.pi / 2)) condition_4 = ((alpha + x1 <= -np.pi / 2) & (-np.pi / 2 <= alpha + x2) & (alpha + x2 <= alpha + np.pi / 2)) condition_5 = ((-np.pi / 2 <= alpha + x1) & (alpha + x1 <= alpha + x2) & (alpha + x2 <= alpha + np.pi / 2)) integration_angles = [ [alpha - np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2], [alpha - np.pi / 2, alpha + x1], [alpha - np.pi / 2, alpha + x1, alpha + x2, np.pi / 2], [-np.pi / 2, alpha + np.pi / 2], [alpha + x2, alpha + np.pi / 2], [-np.pi / 2, alpha + x1, alpha + x2, alpha + np.pi / 2] ] conditions = [ condition_a & condition_0, condition_a & condition_1, condition_a & condition_2, condition_b & condition_3, condition_b & condition_4, condition_b & condition_5, ] Psi_S_prime = 0 Psi_L_prime = 0 Psi_C_prime = 0 for condition_i, angle_i in zip(conditions, integration_angles): for i, phi_i in enumerate(angle_i): sign = (-1) ** (i + 1) I_phi_S, I_phi_L, I_phi_C = I(alpha, phi_i) Psi_S_prime += jnp.where(condition_i, sign * I_phi_S, 0) Psi_L_prime += jnp.where(condition_i, sign * I_phi_L, 0) Psi_C_prime += jnp.where(condition_i, sign * I_phi_C, 0) # Compute everything for alpha=0 angles_alpha0 = [-np.pi / 2, x1, x2, np.pi / 2] Psi_S_prime_alpha0 = 0 Psi_L_prime_alpha0 = 0 Psi_C_prime_alpha0 = 0 for i, phi_i in enumerate(angles_alpha0): sign = (-1) ** (i + 1) I_phi_S_alpha0, I_phi_L_alpha0, I_phi_C_alpha0 = I(0, phi_i) Psi_S_prime_alpha0 += sign * I_phi_S_alpha0 Psi_L_prime_alpha0 += sign * I_phi_L_alpha0 Psi_C_prime_alpha0 += sign * I_phi_C_alpha0 # Equation 37 F_S = np.pi / 16 * (omega_0 * Rho_S * Psi_S + omega_prime * Rho_S_prime * Psi_S_prime) F_L = np.pi / 12 * (omega_0 * Rho_L * Psi_L + omega_prime * Rho_L_prime * Psi_L_prime) F_C = 3 * np.pi / 64 * (omega_0 * Rho_C * Psi_C + omega_prime * Rho_C_prime * Psi_C_prime) sobolev_fluxes = F_S + F_L + F_C F_max = jnp.max(sobolev_fluxes) Psi = sobolev_fluxes / F_max flux_ratio_ppm = 1e6 * a_rp ** -2 * Psi * A_g q = _integral_phase_function(Psi, sin_abs_sort_alpha, sort_alpha, alpha_sort_order) # F_0 = F_S_alpha0 + F_L_alpha0 + F_C_alpha0 return flux_ratio_ppm, g, q